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A Kiss To Remember..1(A Billionaire Romance) Page 8

  “Trisha, wait a second.” She rolled her eyes to the makeup artist. The artist went away for a bit. She came to me and held my hand.

  “I wanted to say thank you. I appreciate your help. As now we are friends, why don’t you come to New York sometime and we can hang out,” she asked.

  “New York?” Bittersweet memories of my time there flooded my mind. Actually, I found it was an irony that I totally forgot about New York after I met Eyan. Like Tristan was a distant dream. I still remembered his words. You will find someone who deserves you, Trisha. Maybe I’d found the one.

  “Yes, I’m moving there with Mark,” she said.

  “Sure, Evelyn, I’ll try.”

  “Come with Eyan some weekend, we will have fun.” She sent a cute smile my way.

  “And I asked him to buy you something precious, and you are not saying ‘no’ this time.”

  “How did you know…”

  “Don’t forget we are twins. We share a lot more than you think.” She winked at me.

  I didn’t know that, nor had Eyan told me that. Now I could see the resemblance in both of them—the way they talked, the smile and the honey-colored hair of both.

  “Of course, Evelyn. I will.” We had come closer in the last fifteen days. I knew her better as a person now. I even knew her quirks and I really started liking her. “See you at the aisle. Everything is ready for you, my friend,” I said and walked back out. This wedding had given me a lot. For starters, Eyan Swan, I thought.

  I took Sarah with me to the garden and I met Eyan.

  “Hey, sunshine, where were you?” His voice trailed off.

  “I went to pick up Sarah.”

  “Why didn’t you call me, babe? I would have sent a driver with you.” His hands brushed my cheeks.

  “Tyler came with me. He took me in his Lamborghini. It’s so awesome.”

  “Tyler?” His face turned darker. “Okay, but if you want to go anywhere, call me. I’ll be around.” He brushed his lips on my cheek softly and walked away from there.

  “Auntie Trisha, is he your boyfriend?” Sarah asked, touching my elbow.

  “Boyfriend?” Was he my boyfriend? That was a question to me, too, what relationship we really had there. It was the last day and I had no reason to come back to the mansion. I didn’t even know if he would be staying here or joining some company of his Dad’s somewhere around the globe. Goddamn, I really don’t know him much. We fooled around, kissed plenty of times, but I’d never asked such questions. Now when I thought back, he did asked me plenty of questions about my work, but he never told me much about him. I better ask him in detail about his plans. Actually, I better ask myself where this relationship was going.


  The moment was near; any time, Evelyn would come. Sarah was ready in front of the aisle with a flower basket in her hand. She was looking so cute that many people were clicking her pic with their smart phones.

  The music started, and the beautiful bride with her father walked to the aisle. Evy was looking so cute in her wedding dress.

  Sarah was standing at the aisle, and when I signaled her, she started walking forward, dropping the flowers on the path of the bride and her father.

  Mr. Swan, Evy’s father, didn’t look like he was in his sixties. If anyone had asked me his age, I would have told them fifty or fifty-two. He was wearing a black suit and he was well-maintained for his age—a flat tummy, pumped up chest and a white beard suited his appearance. Evy’s mom, who was standing near the podium, also looked young for her age.

  Evy and her father followed Sarah slowly. Mr. Swan held his daughter’s hand to his heart. His eyes were watery. I could feel the love of that man for his daughter.

  Actual ceremony was quite simple. The bride and groom took their vows and then kissed each other. I liked the way the wedding took place. There were hundreds of guests invited, but there wasn’t any rush. The arrangements were perfect. The French person who’d done that did it perfectly. It was an irony that I came here to assist him, but I ended up in assisting the bride herself and never met the actual French planner who’d arranged everything.

  The married couple was traveling to Hawaii for their honeymoon. And I was going back home with Sarah. I’d already started missing Eyan; we’d become very much closer in the last fifteen days. The few kisses we shared were more than anything I’d gained in those fifteen days.

  “Sunshine, what are you doing tonight? Are you sure you have to miss the reception? It will be fun.” The hot breath of Eyan touched my neck.

  "I'm sorry, Eyan. But I have to take Sara back and I also have a presentation to prepare." I wanted to attend, but the Sara part was important. I’d promised Melissa that I would bring her home before it got too late.

  He sighed. "What are you doing tomorrow night?"

  “Nothing much, what about you?” I asked. I knew he be free at last tomorrow.

  “Why don’t we spend some relaxing time with each other? I’ll be there by eight. Let me take care of the few remaining guests and then I’ll be there for you.” His lips brushed my neck gently.

  My muscles clenched inside, a wetness covered my lower lips. Goddamn, I’ll be waiting for you, Eyan.

  Chapter 11

  “Where are you, my Prince Charming,” I muttered, while looking at the wall clock. I’d looked at the wall clock hundreds of times by now. It was still half an hour before eight.

  Somehow I knew that no one could stop us now, neither my resistance nor his control. I took a nice, hot bath after getting home. I’d wear my finest underwear underneath my nightgown in anticipation of Eyan. I knew this was going to be the night. And heck, I wanted it to be. It had been more than a couple of years since I’d had sex with anyone. I wasn’t all lustful, all begging for sex, but two years—Jesus, how could I live without sex for two goddamn years? But in thirty more minutes, the wait would come to an end. I would be in the arms of the man I liked. Yes, I didn’t know when I started liking Eyan, maybe when I got to know his sweetness, his style of taking care of me, his profoundness. Maybe it was just the way he was soft from inside.

  My eyes went back to the wall clock. “Fifteen minutes more,” I muttered. I was startled by a knock on the door. Maybe he was there a bit early to surprise me.

  I opened the door without looking through the peep hole.

  I expected a honey-haired, green-eyed demon in front of me. But it was Tyler standing there.

  “Tyler, you?” I was surprised to see him. “Did I leave something in the car?”

  “No, but I had something to tell you, so I came here,” he said.

  “And what is that?” I wanted to get rid of him as fast as possible. I didn’t like him much. My heart was waiting for Eyan.

  “Can I come in? I promise it wouldn’t take much of your time.”

  “Okay.” He was Eyan’s cousin and I had no reason to make him stand there. I let him come inside. I kept the door open. Any moment, Eyan would come and I didn’t like the idea of being in the house, the door closed, with his cousin.

  He relaxed on the couch but didn’t say a word about why he was there.

  “Can you get me something to drink, maybe a beer? At least some soda?” he asked, sitting on the couch.

  “I’ll bring something for you.” I went inside. I heard the sound of the door closing. I turned back to see why he was closing the door and there he was, standing inches away from me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked cautiously.

  He grinned with crazy eyes. Something wasn’t right. “Don’t you want this?” His fingers crossed over my cheeks.

  “No, just get out from my house right now,” I demanded. A chill ran through my spine. Nothing that was happening was good.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie. Just relax. Why are you dating Eyan?” His words came out full of arrogance.

  “It’s none of your business. You better go now,” I said.

  “No, I’m not going anywhere. Let's have a beer.” He was stubborn and shamele

  I knew Eyan would come by anytime now. I tried to pretend everything was normal. And I turned to grab a beer from the fridge. “I’ll give you a beer and then you go, okay?”

  “Tyler,” I jumped to my feet as he pinched my ass. “What the hell?” I turned around. His mouth was inches away from me.

  “Did anyone tell you that you look so beautiful? When I first saw your boobs in that spa room I wanted to fuck you right there. But that bastard cousin of mine was there. From that day, I couldn’t sleep. Whenever I closed my eyes, I would imagine about your perky tits, your flashy butt cheeks and I knew I have to fuck you.” A wicked smile covered his face, his eyes tracing over my whole body. “And now we have the chance.”

  I didn’t like his gaze. It felt like black spiders were crawling on my whole body.

  “Go away, Tyler. Eyan will be here any minute. You should go away and I would act like nothing happened.” I’d hoped that he would go away.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. He won’t be here. I tipped him off to some other work and he won’t be here for a long, long time.” His hands moved through my hair, touching my neck and then resting on my breasts. “And then I’ll tell him that you called me here, and he would be long gone.” His eyes sparkled with something wicked.

  “I’ll call the cops.” I pushed his hands away.”You bastard, get out of here,” I blurted out in anger. I couldn’t take his crap anymore.

  He stood there laughing.“Do you think a Swan family member would get jailed for a crime he didn’t do? My lawyer would run with you naked through the whole city.” He laughed again. “But before that, I’ll tear off your clothes and fuck the flashy ass of yours.”

  My spine ached at just the thoughts of him touching my body. I looked around for escape; there was a way to get out of the kitchen door. I pushed him hard with all my strength and ran for the door. It was my only chance to get the hell out of there.

  The door was a foot away. I almost reached it, but he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me on the wall nearby. Pressing all his body against mine, he started licking my cheeks.

  His lips came forward and pushed on mine. I was trying to shout but couldn’t as he had closed my mouth with his. I gave a jerk to his body to break the forceful kiss and shouted for help with all my strength.

  He laughed at my poor attempt for escape. “No one is coming for your rescue, sweetheart.”

  With eyes closed, I could see my future, devastated.

  Chapter 12

  Gone was the dream to know Eyan more and spend time with him. My life was a complete blackout. I was trapped in my own home with a monster. My life would be doomed after this.

  My ears perked as I heard a sound of glass breaking. The shattering of glass came from near me. Hoping to get some help, I opened my eyes. Even Tyler looked surprised. Suddenly, a hand came inside from the broken glass of the back door and opened the lock in one shot.

  The door opened in a blink and Eyan stormed in with red eyes. Tyler released me. He hadn’t expected Eyan, and he was frozen in place.

  Eyan’s hand moved quickly, stretched in a fist and hit Tyler by his jaw.

  “You bastard, how you dare to touch her,” Eyan roared and punched Tyler on his face, hard.

  Tyler jerked back.

  I drop down on my knees in relief and pain.

  “Are you all right Trisha? Did he hurt you?” His hand was on my head.

  Now the danger was passed, but my heart was frozen in the shock of what it could have been. Warm tears rolled on my cheeks.

  “I’m going to kill you, Tyler. You are not leaving alive from here.” Eyan grabbed a knife lying on the kitchen counter.

  “No, Eyan, no. Please don’t.” I grabbed his leg. That was the only strength left in me. “Please don’t.”

  Tyler looked at us and then ran to the main door.

  “Leave me, Trisha, I can’t see you like this. I’ll kill that bastard.” His green eyes were shooting fireballs. And I was afraid he meant what he’d just said. But I couldn’t let him kill his own cousin. I clung to his leg.

  He dropped the knife on the ground and sat beside me, wrapping me in his arms.

  “I’m so sorry, Trisha. I shouldn’t have introduced you to this bastard and shouldn’t have left you alone.”

  I leaned my head on his chest and let my tears rundown. All my energy was drained. Knowing Eyan was there for me, I let myself go numb.

  “Stay with me, please,” I muttered, half consciously with my eyes closed.

  His embrace was the only place where I could get some courage that time.

  He carried me to my room and put me gently on the bed, covering me with the sheet. I was unable to stop sobbing.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll sleep beside you,” he promised me.

  I relaxed my body in his arms.


  I remembered waking up sometimes in shock, but then managed to sleep again after finding Eyan sitting at the corner of my bed.

  The next day was also the same. My body was hurting everywhere. My eyes were swollen because of all the crying. And I was feeling too tired to get up from my bed.

  He gave me a painkiller and let me sleep the whole day. Either it was the effect of the medicine or the incident; I couldn’t stay up for very long.

  What he had said to his family I didn’t know, but he was just there with me to cuddle me the next night as well. I was horrified by the experience. Thank God Eyan was there, otherwise I would have died at the end of Tyler’s assault.

  The second day after the incident, I was sitting on the couch watching TV.

  “Hey, sweetie, care for some soup?” Eyan was on the phone; maybe he was ordering something. He was a nice person. For the last two days, he’d stayed at my house, and only went out once to grab his clothes from mansion. He’d taken me with him and kept me in the car while he brought the clothes.

  “Tomato would do.” I smiled at him. He turned out to be nicer than I expected. He was a gem, a keeper. In the last two days, my feelings for him had quadrupled. I was afraid that I would fall for him if he continued to be so nice.

  He hung up the phone and sat beside me. “One more thing about Tyler.”

  Spiders started crawling under my skin. “Eyan, please, can we not talk about him?” I wrapped my arms around his hand and relaxed my head on his shoulder.

  “It’s important, sweetheart. It’s important for you to know that he is no longer in this city. I asked my dad to push him to go somewhere else.” He kissed my forehead. “If you could agree to file a case against him, we could have sent him to jail.”

  “I don’t want your family to suffer for a jerk like that. I’m happy that you made him go away. I’ll feel safer with that.”

  “I had to do it, sunshine. I can’t leave the city if he is here. I can’t let anything happen to you.” He wrapped me with his other hand.

  Then I realized what he’d just said.

  “Are you going out of town?” I knew it would happen someday. A hot shot MBA wouldn’t sit in a small city like this.

  “Yes, for a business meeting. But only for one week. I’ll be back before you know it,” he said, lingering his lips around my cheek.

  My craving for him was increasing more. I wanted to be closer to him. For the last two days, I’d thought about us, where I was going, and there was only one logical conclusion— that I’d started liking him, more than anything.

  “I like you so much, Eyan. Thanks for coming into my life.”

  “You know I’ve like you since I first saw you in the bistro.” His words were full of emotion.

  Our feelings for each other were visible by our body language, but we were conveying them to each other for the first time.

  “I want to kiss you…” I couldn’t wait anymore.

  With his eyes locked on mine, he bent down to kiss me, our kiss building slowly to turn my body on.

  “I want to do things with you,” I whispered, pushing my lips closer to his.

  “Then do it,” he whispered before I locked lips with him again.

  Goddamn, it was so good to kiss him again. I felt like I lived for that kiss, I lived for my Prince Charming and there he was in my arms, saving me from the bad world.

  “You taste so good, Trisha. I want to taste every inch of your body, sweetheart.” His words directly entered in my mouth.

  “I’m all yours.”

  “I can’t stop with just the kisses,” he warned me.

  I withdrew my lips and bit his earlobe. “I don’t mind.”

  In a flip, he pulled me in his arms and lifted me like a doll and walked to the bed with me. He slowly put me on the bed, adjusting a couple of cushions behind my back.

  “You can’t imagine the things I’m going to do with you, Trisha.” His eyes flicked over my body.

  I pushed my finger on his lips, and kissed his lips over my finger.

  He smiled and dipped down, pushing my shirt over my head. I did the same. Though I had imagined it many times, I was seeing him for the first time, bare-chested. I traced my hand over his muscular chest and flat abs. I was sure they were more than six, but I had no time to count them as he placed his lips on my neck, kissing my skin, sucking it and biting it gently. Jesus, it felt so good. I was already wet between my thighs.

  “Trisha, you are so beautiful. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met in my life.”

  “And you are the…” I gasped as he bit my nipple over my bra. His hands were tracing around my back, to remove the bra hooks. But my bra was front opening. I watched him fooling around for a moment and then pushed his head back for a moment and un-hooked it.

  The lacy fabric didn’t even have time to fall down before his tongue lashed inside of it, searching for my nipples, bare and untouched in long time.

  Then he finally found the spot he was looking for, and a moan deep from his throat vibrated through my whole body, as he sucked in and bit me hard. My muscles between the legs clenched more to anticipate his attack on my nipple. He sucked me deep again with his deep, luxurious draws that sent me over the cliff. I dug my nails in his back and arched into him; I could feel my body vibrating with his every draw.