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A Kiss To Remember..1(A Billionaire Romance) Page 5

  And Eyan Swan. I had never expected to like anyone else in my life other than Tristan, and I had successfully kept away all men in the last year. But since I had seen Eyan, I was feeling altogether different. Like he was the one sent for me to get rid of my loneliness and to help me start my life over with new hope.

  But again, that came with danger associated with him. Being in love is the most beautiful thing in life. But I could not allow myself to fall for anyone again. I knew very well that my heart could not bear if I fell again. Even Melissa had warned me about this rich brat. I can’t let myself fall for him.

  I was too deep into my thoughts to notice Eyan or the road and suddenly realized that we were already in front of the florist shop; apparently Eyan knew the address.

  I looked at Eyan, embarrassed. He was staring at me and resting his head on the steering wheel. He was looking damn cute. How could I stay away from him when I’d started liking him since we first met?

  “Are you all right, Thinking Beauty?” He grinned, still relaxing on the steering wheel.

  “I’m not thinking anything.” I tried to lie.

  “Oh is that right? It’ been more than five minutes since we got here. And you didn’t even notice that the car is stopped. Don’t think about me too much, by the way. I am going to be there with you.” He chuckled.

  I sighed and didn’t bother to answer him. I will have to keep my relationship light with him. I can’t be serious around him.

  I looked out of the car to notice the florist was closed.

  “What the heck? This man was supposed to call Evelyn and tell her about the delivery. Where the hell is he now?” I muttered in anger. Things had gone smoothly from this morning, and now this florist had to close his shop for some unknown reason.

  “Don’t worry, his house is on the back side. We can check in there.”

  Eyan walked behind the shop. He was right; a small house was attached to the shop. We knocked on the door, and an old man opened it. His hair was all scattered, his cloths dirty, and he was smelling of whiskey all over his body.

  “Brad, what happened to you, man?” Eyan asked.

  “I’m so sorry, sir!” Brad muttered. Eyan pulled him up, “What happened, Brad? Why didn’t you call Evy? She was waiting for your call. Is everything all right?” I could see the compassion in Eyan’s eyes, feeling I thought I would never see in a player’s eyes.

  “The frost, every farm in Florida is affected by the frost, and there is no lakeside sunflower left in the whole country. I’m so sorry—I can’t deliver that.” He started apologizing again.

  It was odd to see an old man crying like that, but it meant no flowers for Evy and that meant I’d failed on the second day.

  “No, this can’t be happening. She said she wanted those flowers at any cost. No, this can’t be happening.” Panic enveloped my whole body; the strength in my legs disappeared. I held Eyan’s shoulder to balance. He extended his hand and wrapped me in his arms.

  “Brad, there has to be some way. What about other countries? There is always a way out.”

  “Those are a very rare species, and only bloom in Africa and Florida,” he replied. “I’m so sorry, sir.” He hung his head again.

  But his apologizing wasn’t going to help me. I was told to do a few things and I was failing in them. How could I tell Evy that her bouquet was not going to happen? how would I arrange something new in less than ten days? I was doomed. I would be losing my job just like that. What am I going to tell Evy? Everything went dark around me.

  Chapter 7

  I didn’t know how long I sat in front of Brad. Finally, I realized I had to go back and give the news to Evy. I had to be the one to deliver the bad news. Thank God, Eyan was with me; he could tell Evy that it wasn’t my fault.

  “Eyan.” My voice was weak.

  “Eyan.” I called him again after a few moments. Maybe he is outside, talking with Evy. No, he can’t tell her the news on the phone. I should tell her face to face.

  I pulled my ass up and ran outside. I had to stop him. But he wasn’t there. I walked to the front side of the shop, where his car was parked, thinking he might be in the car waiting for me. But holy shit, his car was gone. He’d bailed on me just like that.

  How could he do that to me? Why did he leave me there, alone, drowning and devastated?

  “That’s not funny, Eyan.” I shouted. The chilly breeze running through the empty road didn’t cheer me up. The jerk didn’t understand the importance of the situation. He fled because he was afraid. He dumped everything on me and ran away. He was a stupid, rich brat after all. Melissa was right; he had the reputation of abandoning girls like that. Actually, I was stupid enough to trust him and think that he would help me telling the bad news to his sister. Yes, I’m the fool here. Now I had the weight on my heart, to break the bad news.

  I dialed a cab.

  It was fucking crazy that it was just my second day on the job, and I was the bearer of bad news. It couldn’t get worse than this. “Okay, Trisha, relax. Tell her it’s not your fault, and make a new arrangement. Be the person who solves the problem.”

  I just might have to put everything I got on another florist, and being new in town I didn’t know anyone. My company had tied up three florists, but Brad was the biggest one and only he had promised to get those flowers for the wedding. Come on, Trisha, don’t give up so easily. Find out the way. First go and meet Evy and see how it goes.

  I stepped in the cab with little confidence, but as the cab was heading near to the Swan mansion, my confidence started drowning in the sea of hopelessness. Moreover, I was getting furious at that rich bastard who was accompanying me. “I’m going to kick your ass, Eyan.” My temper was raised to its limit. Though Melissa had told me about his reputation, I didn’t hold any prejudgment for him. But now I could see how he treats a woman.

  I almost ran inside the mansion as the cab came to a halt. After the regular security check, I went inside looking for Evy.

  Before entering the main gate, I peeked in the parking lot. A red Ferrari was already there. What the fuck? He betrayed me and came here. With fury burning me from the inside I called the elevator and got on the second floor.

  I knocked on the door and entered Evy’s room. Evy was talking with someone on the phone. She was wearing a cobalt blue dress and it looked so perfect on her. She turned and saw me, and then she ran to me. I thought she was coming to hit me, or send me back where I belonged.

  “I’m so...”

  “Thank you, Trisha. Thanks a lot.” She cut me off and hugged me tightly.

  “What?” I couldn’t understand what she was doing. I had to tell her the news; maybe she was thanking me for something else. That was a golden chance for me and I had to grab it and break the bad news to her. “Listen, Evelyn, I have some bad news about the flowers.” I tried to sound as low I could.

  “The frost, right?” She held me at arm’s length.

  I looked in her eyes, light green like her brother’s. I thought I would see fiery bullets coming out of those, but the eyes were laughing.

  “Yes, the frost. But don’t you worry about it. I will talk to my boss tomorrow and we will try to figure out some other options.” I was the person to break it to her, then.

  “Eyan called me and he already told me that.” She was not even listening to me properly.

  No, why did he tell her on the phone? Jerk.

  “Okay.” I was collecting my thoughts; I knew Tim would not help me in this as he had already warned me about the season. But I myself took the opportunity to show up and convinced Brad to arrange flowers. This is going to create a big scene in the office. And Evy was going to be unhappy.

  “Eyan called and he told me how you pulled some of your strings and arranged the flowers from Africa. Now he just needs to send our private jet to collect the flowers three days before the wedding. Oh, thank you, sweetheart. Thanks for the flowers. I couldn’t have gotten married without those flowers. Thanks a lot.” She hugg
ed me again.

  “What?” I couldn’t believe what she just said. When did I arrange the flowers? Why did Eyan tell her that lie? There were no flowers. If it was Eyan’s prank, then I was dead. The Swan family would kill me.

  “Evelyn, no, there…”

  I was pulled back from her embrace by strong hands. “Evy, I need her to arrange something. Would you please excuse us?” It was Eyan.

  He was looking a little tired, like he’d run a marathon.

  “Oh, sure. I just wanted to tell you guys that I am gonna be busy for three days as my schoolmates have arranged party for me. And we are heading for the beach for three days, starting tomorrow.”

  “It’s your wedding in few days, sister. Where are you going now.”

  “Sorry, bro, I know you are here for me, but my friends had arranged so many things and I couldn’t hurt them by saying no. I am feeling guilty, though. Parents will be here by the time I return and Mark and his family will also be joining us soon. So I wouldn't have anytime left after returning. That is going to be a super busy week.”

  Eyan nodded his head.

  “But Evelyn…” I still didn’t believe what was going on there.

  “Don’t worry, Trisha I will be back in no time. As most of the arrangements are on track you can have a short break from our work. You don’t need to tell your boss about this. Keep my little brother company as he is getting bored.” She winked at him.

  “And Eyan, do me a favor, please. Get Trisha the best dress from in town. She has saved my life today. She deserves a gift.”

  “Sure, sister. It would be gift from me to your wedding planner.” He smiled.

  “Don’t say a word and follow me.” He bent down and whispered in my ear.

  He grabbed my arm and literally dragged me outside of the room. My mind was still trying to recover from what had just happened inside. It was totally unanticipated, but if it was one of his pranks…

  “I’ll kill you,” I said.

  “What? And why in the world would you do that to me? I just saved your ass,” he asked.

  “Why were you lying back there? You didn’t even think about your sister before pulling such a prank.” My eyes darted to his face, trying to see if he really meant what he’d said inside.

  He pulled his phone out and showed me a web page. It was his order of the Lakeside sunflowers from Africa.

  I took the phone in surprise and read the whole mail. It was really an order for the flowers.

  “You really did that?” I couldn’t hide my surprise.

  He nodded.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I couldn’t resist hugging him. My arms wrapped around the fine fabric of his shirt. I could feel his muscles underneath.

  “Is that what I get for saving you? I expected at least a kiss.” He lowered his mouth to whisper the words in my ear.

  I bit my lip. “No, you aren’t getting anything like that.” I frowned, pushing myself away from him, looking in his eyes. I tried to show him my resistance, but inside I liked the way he smelled, like fresh soap. I must admit, he was irresistible.

  “Okay, you’ll have to do at least one favor in return.”

  I was not sure about what he was asking. But I nodded positively.

  “Would you be my partner for a pool volleyball match tomorrow?” he asked.

  “What?” I could swim, but playing pool volleyball—I’d never done it.

  No way. I am not doing this. The thought of showing my body to him made me unsettled. My mouth dried in a second. I didn’t even have good shorts and a top to wear. I am a very average looking girl and was not comfortable to be half-naked around him.

  “No, sorry, I can’t do that.” Though the thought of him being bare with me in the water was urging me to accept his offer.

  “What is the issue?” His fingers brushed my cheek very lightly.

  “I’m not comfortable with the swimsuit and the game.”

  “There is no dress code as such. You can wear anything you want like a t-shirt , shorts, a bikini, anything.” He looked deep into my eyes. I felt like he could reach my core with his eyes.

  “Hmm… I need to think.” My mind was working on if I had a swim suit or shorts to wear.

  “It’s done, you are coming.” He turned around and started walking towards his room without listening to me reply.

  He left me there, thinking about what I’d gotten myself into. It was totally a different world for me. How can I try to catch up with him? Anyway, I was free for three days.


  I was standing in front of the water. It was inviting. I’d loved the first look of the pool; it was huge and the water was so crystal clear.

  The pool was divided into two parts, and a net was raised from the bottom that divided the pool. Even the two parts were divided into two parts each with the use of another net. But this small net was placed higher than the water. So there were four courts.

  “Are you ready, my sweetheart?” Eyan’s breath touched my neck and it warmed my chilling body. I almost jumped. Why the hell he always refer me with such names? I have to tell him stop calling me this.

  He silently snuck up on me.

  “Come on, baby, I’m going in.” He dove in swiftly, like a dolphin, a few water drops spread on my already shivering body.

  My heart was thundering hard; he had taken my breath away.

  “Come on.” He pushed his head out of the water, resting his hands on the edge of the pool. I couldn’t guess if my breath had stopped because of the cold or his bare chest and wet hair. He looked like a supermodel in an underwear advertisement.

  I knew I was looking very plain next to him, wearing a light blue sleeveless t-shirt and shorts. I’d avoided a swimsuit because I was sure he would run away if he saw my curvy body.

  “Trisha, come on.” He waved his hand and showed me the way to enter the water by his gaze.

  And suddenly I was dragged out of my thoughts. Someone pushed me hard and the next thing I knew, I was entering in the water. I couldn’t control myself from falling in. I lost my balance and inhaled lots of water. My throat choked by the pressure of water. My hands started fluttering for balance; I thought I would die drowning. For a second, I totally forgot that I could swim.

  But then his strong hands came, saving me out of nowhere. He pulled me up, till my head came out of water. He steadied me, holding me by my waist. I gasped hard to take a breath. My lungs were already out of air. I was panting hard and trying to regain my breath.

  “Are you all right, honey?” he asked in a very serious tone. I just nodded. He wrapped me in his arms until I recovered my balance.

  I nodded hastily.

  After few seconds, I realized he was so close to me that I could just jut my chin and kiss his lush lips. Being so close to him, I could smell his hair. I could feel his breath on my lips. Damn, I was holding back from kissing him. That was not the appropriate thing to do.

  Then I heard couple of laughing sounds. I looked out; two men were laughing hard, looking at me.

  “What the hell are you doing, Eden? Why did you push her?” Eyan’s voice was raised ,and I could sense the anger in his tone.

  “Relax, dude, I was just playing. What happened to you? Why are you so pissed off for pushing your girlfriend? It isn’t like she wasn’t going to jump in herself.” A rough voice came from one of the men. “She seriously looks lame in her glasses.” And then the other one chuckled.

  I was still standing in Eyan’s embrace. I was ashamed and nervous, I didn’t know what he had told his friends about me; I was not his girlfriend and the way they were treating me was very rude. I pushed Eyan’s hands off of me and walked away without even looking at those stupid boys. They were rude and didn’t have a shred of manners.

  “Don’t go, Trisha. Please stop,” Eyan shouted.

  “Let her go, man, she’s is your type,” one of them yelled.

  “Shut up, asshole.” Eyan’s voice was fading as I walked away. Tears were dropping
from my eyes and I was embarrassed. I didn’t belong there. I was a normal, average looking, low profile girl. Eyan was a son of a billionaire. Why would he defend me in front of his friends? They were right; I wasn’t his type. I cursed myself for accepting his offer.

  The changing room wasn’t too far. A few steps more and I could get in, change to my old clothes and get out of here. I would be concentrating only on my work. I was already stupid enough to agree to Eyan for helping me. But no more games. I needed to focus on my work and that’s why I was there.

  “Hey, sunshine, where are you going?” A hand grabbed my arm. It was Eyan.

  “Please, Eyan, let me go. I am not in a good mood.” I looked down. I didn’t want him to see me crying.

  “Come on, Trisha, they were just kidding.” He came forward and cupped my cheeks in his palms and lifted my chin up. “They are just college kids. They don’t know how to act with a cute woman like you.”

  “Why do you want me to be with you when you can get hundreds of sexier girls than me?” I asked him directly. I never understood why he wanted me around.

  “Because you are special, Trisha. You’re not like them. You are like untouched fruit. So clear and focused. You are innocent in ways you can’t imagine. I knew it from the moment I saw you.” His hand reached to my chin and pulled it up. He looked in my eyes, piercing to my heart.

  I searched in his eyes, and I could only see the care, compassion and truth.

  “I can’t go back there, not now. I’m sorry.”

  “Okay, it was my fault. I didn’t expect them to behave like idiots. I am extremely sorry for that.” His voice was genuine.

  “It’s okay, Eyan. I don’t belong here. Let’s forget this.”

  “Please give me a chance to make up for this,” he pleaded. “Promise me you will come with me tomorrow.”

  “Where?” I was not in the mood to accept any of his offers.

  “Definitely for some work.” He chuckled.

  “I don’t know if anything is pending,” I said.

  He softly brushed his lips on my cheek. “Don’t think so much. It’s a deal, we’re meeting tomorrow for dinner.” And he simply walked away.